How Long Does it Take to Have a Social Security Disability Appeal Heard?

In Michigan it can take over two years to have your Social Security Disability appeal heard. SSDC’s easy-to-use Hearing Times by State finder will quickly tell you how many days on average you will have to wait to get a disability benefits hearing at the Social Security Disability office nearest you.

These estimates come directly from the Social Security Administration and do change from time to time. The number shown is provided solely as an estimate to give you an idea of what you may expect in your area:

State Processing Times

Office Average Days
Detroit, MI 642
Grand Rapids, MI 642
Lansing, MI 716
Flint, MI 724
Oak Park, MI 727
Michigan Social Security Disability appeal information provided by the Metro Detroit law office of Allan W. Ben, PC. Call us for a free Social Security Disability appeal consultation.