Michigan Legal Forms: Social Security Intake Form
If you have suffered an injury that has resulted in a disability, you may be able to collect compensation from Social Security. The attorneys at Allan W. Ben P.C. are experts on what the Social Security Administration requires for claiming Social Security Disability benefits and for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability claims. Part of our job is to spare you from the hassle of waiting in long government lines and spare you from the chance that your claim might be jeopardized by government red tape. Our attorneys will take care of all aspects of your case, including the complicated paperwork. For more information, please see Social Security Disability Benefits and Michigan Disability Attorney - F.A.Q.
Call us now at toll free 1-866-540-0677 to protect yourself and preserve your legal rights. While our office is in Bingham Farms, Michigan, we work with people in the Greater Detroit Metropolitan area, including Oakland County, Wayne County, Macomb County, Livingston County, Monroe County, Genesee County, Washtenaw County and other areas throughout Michigan.