Preparation is the key to winning your long-term disability case
Preparation prior to filing your claim for LTD benefits can increase your chances for success. Three important keys to winning your LTD case are:
1. Review: Every disability plan defines disability in a particular way. It is important to obtain a copy of your disability plan, review it, and prepare a claim that integrates the definition of disability with your symptoms. Also, the definition of disability can change throughout your case so make sure you area aware of the changes in your LTD policy.
2. Proof: If you believe that the definition of disability encompasses your medical condition, you must provide proof of the medical condition to the LTD carrier. You need to support your claim with evidence. You must show how your medical condition prohibits you from performing your job. The best way to do this is through your medical records and having your doctor write a supporting letter that outlines your medical condition and how it relates to the definition of disability.
3. Support: You must collect medical records to show the extent of your condition and how they impact your ability to work. From the beginning keep a journal of your medical visits, symptoms, and other information that relates to your disability. In addition to collecting data, your doctor should also write a letter to your LTD carrier describing your medical condition and explaining how it impacts your ability to work within the definition of disability for your particular LTD plan.