You Should Discuss Finances Before You Get Married
I believe the number one reason a marriage ends up in divorce is finances. Often times couples never have the important discussion about each other finances. Those couples who are planning on getting married should have a conversation about finances. There are several topics that should be discussed.
- income
- assets
- debts
- expenses
Once you’ve discussed these important areas you should consider the following:
- Do you and your partner have enough income to meet your expenses?
- Which assets will you keep separate, and which will you share?
- Which expenses will you keep separate, and which will you share?
- What should you do if one partner isn’t meeting his or her expenses?
You should have these discussions before the marriage because if there are areas of disagreement, they can be worked out prior to the wedding. You do not want to go into a marriage without knowing your partners financial situation. You should also have an agreement on how the finances are going to be dealt with.
If you are having a tough time with your marriage because of financial stress and have questions about divorce please feel free to contact at Allan W. Ben P.C. for a free consultation. You can contact our office at or 248-540-0677 . We handle divorce cases in Oakland County, Macomb County, Wayne County, Washtinaw County and Livingston County. We will aggressively handle your divorce case.