What to do if you are in a car accident in Michigan

Personal Injury – What steps to take if you are in a car accident in Michigan:

1. Take Safety Measures:

Check to see if anyone is injured. Call 911 for medical assistance if anyone is injured;

If you are not injured move your car to a safe nearby location;

Do not leave the scene of the accident;

Contact the police. They will let you know if an officer needs to be present at the scene.

2. Collect Information: a. Exchange contact information with everyone involved, including:


Address (including email);

Phone number(s)- make sure to get home, work and cell;

Date of birth;

Drivers license number.

b. Get the following information about all vehicles involved:

Year, make, and model;

License plate number;

Insurance carrier;

Insurance policy number.

c. Gather contact information from any witnesses at the scene, including:


Address (including email);

Phone number(s)- make sure to get home, work and cell.

d. If a police officer is present, get the following information from him or her:


Phone number;

Police report number;

How to get a copy of the police report.

3. Document the Accident:

a. If you have a camera, take photos of:

Damage to your vehicle;

The accident scene;

People involved in the accident.

Beforespeaking to your insurance company, make sure to consult an experienced Michigan auto accident attorney. Many times the insurance companies will try to settle for less than you deserve, especially when injuries are involved. It is a great idea to find out all of your options with a telephone consultation with Metro Detroit auto accident attorneys Allan or Josh Ben to discuss your legal rights.

Categories: Auto Accidents